Novena Prayer for Tita Cory
Our Father in heaven, Source of goodness and strength, Author of life and love, with contrite hearts, we come to You today in a novena of Healing Masses for Tita Cory. Our hearts are burdened because of the illness of our beloved former president and the pain and discomfort she has to endure.
You took the hand of our dear sister Cory, as she struggled through every trial, as she confronted every challenge, and embraced every cross of her life. Take her hand now and have mercy on her and upon all poor souls who are in agony and make Your will known to them.
Lord Jesus, You chose to take on our human nature, to redeem all people and to heal the sick. We beg You to look with compassion on Your humble servant, Cory Aquino and all cancer patients. Strengthen them with Your power, comfort them with Your protection, and give them the strength needed to fight this battle. You have chosen them to share in Your own passion, help them find hope and reason in suffering like You.
You are the Divine Healer, the Source of wisdom and light. Stay with Tita Cory, Lord, for it is You alone she looks for, because she loves You and asks no other reward but to love You even more. She loves You with all her heart while on earth and will continue to love You forever.
Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, bless and protect the family of Tita Cory, her children and her grandchildren. Let them feel the grace that abounds from You. Beseech them to surrender their fears and anxieties at Your feet. Help them seek solace in Your presence. Let them find peace in Your grace, comfort in Your love, and strength in Your mighty power over suffering and even death. Send them Your peace, Lord, the peace that surpasses all understanding. And may the goodness and greatness that come from You dwell in their hearts.
In the name of God the Almighty Father Who created Tita Cory, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, Who suffered and died for her and in the name of the Holy Spirit, grant that the last beat of her heart may be an act of perfect love for You. Thank you, Lord, for the Cross. Thank You, Lord, for the resurrection.
And lastly, dear God, take pity on our souls too, when the hour of the final battle shall arrive for all of us. All these we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.