prayer for cory aquino

Prayer for Tita Cory Aquino

Church of the Gesu, Ateneo de Manila University
July 10, 2009


God our heavenly Father,/ as we pray for our beloved “Tita Cory” Aquino,/ we join her family and loved ones,/ we join our people in this country / and fellow-Filipinos and others throughout the world / who are at one in their prayer and their outpouring of love and concern for her / as she battles with great courage / the cancer which has afflicted her for many months now./

At this critical moment in her illness,/ as she bears its increasingly heavy burden,/ with great confidence we entrust her to your goodness and love./ We join her loved ones / in their complete and abiding trust in your infinite healing power./ We believe your grace has guided her always / as she has tried in life / to fulfill humbly and faithfully / the calling you have given her for the good of our people./ In her dedicated love for our nation/ she has offered so much sacrifice and self-giving;/ the suffering of her present sickness she continues to offer / that true freedom and true peace,/ and true well-being specially for the poor among us,/ may grow in our land./

Lord, “Tita Cory” has been always a woman of unshakable faith./ She has been a brave fighter and a source of inspiration and hope for all of us./ We know, Lord, that she has entrusted and continues to entrust everything / to your all-wise and ever-faithful love./ Fill her heart now with deep peace / and her spirit with endurance and hope.

We turn you, O most Sacred Heart of Jesus,/ in whom she has ever unfailingly placed her confidence./ We turn to you, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our blessed Lady of Fatima,/ for so long now her constant refuge in time of need./ We ask your intercession, blessed “children of Fatima”;/ whose help she has invoked since this present illness began.

Again, Father in heaven,/ at one with all who pray for her,/ we place her health and healing,/ her life and her person, so beloved by our people,/ – we entrust everything to you and to your most holy will./ “In You, Lord, we have hoped;/ your mercy abides forever.”/ Amen, Lord, Amen.
