
Traffic to Blog

Blog Traffic is an important issue to new blogger.To monetizing your blog it is your first duty to attract traffic to blog. No visitor no money.This is the basic theory and accepted by all blogger and Internet marketer. So you should believe it and you should work and think how to increase blog traffic.

There is no specific and limited technique yet about the blogs traffic increasing method. Though there are many opinions about blogger traffic but after long discussing and study we can find some common techniques for increase blog traffic to your blog.

If you check and talk with top blogger and Internet markers they will talk and tell you about many technique about free blog traffic. However as a new blogger you should follow the following tips to get free blog traffic in your blog. At the same time to make your blog more profitable it is important to study more from different sources about blog Traffic.
  1. Add good content regularly
  2. Use meta tag in your source code box at header section
  3. Submit your blog to search engine and social media.
  4. Submit blog to rss directory, feed directory, ping directory and blog directory
  5. Write articles and submit it to different article directories
  6. Use some image to your post
  7. Use good designed template
  8. Try to make google gadget and submit it to iGoogle directory
  9. Join in forum which are related to your niche
  10. Try to post classified ad linking with your blog.
